YMC-UltraHT Hydrosphere C18 / Hydrosphere C18 層析管柱

為滿足HPLC使用者對於管柱固定相的超純矽膠和特殊的選擇性的要求。我們開發了Hydrosphere C18層析管柱。
極低的金屬含量(Minimal metal content)和極低的矽烷醇(residual silanols)殘留,使其成為即使在LC-MS條件下(例如在非磷酸鹽緩衝溶液中分離)也可用於分析鹼性藥物(basic pharmaceuticals)和螯合化合物(chelating compounds)的理想固定相。
此外,Hydrosphere C18層析管住可在高水相之移動相(highly aqueous mobile phase)條件下分離極性化合物而不會減少滯留效果(retention),並可提升理論板數(plate counts)和峰性能(peak performance),具有以上多功能性的特點。
這些特性能使Hydrosphere C18層析管住可以廣泛地使用於具有極性官能團(polar functional groups)的化合物。

Particle size 2 µm, 3 µm, 5 µm
Pore size 120 Å
Carbon contents 12%
Usable pH range 2.0-8.0


■ Based on highly inert, ultra pure, pH neutral silica
■ “Hydrophilic” C18 surface for enhanced polar selectivity
■ Extremely rigorous physical and chemical specification
■ suitable for conventional reversed phase and highly aqueous application
■ Pharmaceutical method development


Reproducibility of retention time under the 100% aqueous mobile phase

After the operation, the column was stored overnight (about 15 hours)

1. Cytosine
2. Uracil
3. Guanine
4. Thymine
5. Adenine

Retention time of nucletic acid bases is compared before and after one night standing in 100% water. Hydrosphere C18 provides stable retention and remarkable reproducibility while conventional ODS has declining retention when we compare retention time of adenine in the initial chromatograms with that of chromatograms generated the next day.

Exceptional chromatographic behavior
The separation of polar compounds under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions is not reproducible with conventional reversed-phases materials. A proprietary derivertization procedure enables Hydrosphere C18 to be penetrated by water without losing its brushlike C18 chains. This behavior has the effect that members of this group of very polar compounds can be separated from each other with excellent peak shape and remarkable reproducibility. Typical applications where no organic modifier is required including nucleic acid bases, nucleotides, organic acids,catecholamines, vitamins, peptides, etc.

Hydrosphera C18&Pro C18

1. Toluene
2. Testosterone
3. n-Propylbenzene
4. Acenaphthene
5. n-Butylbenzene
6. Amitriptyline hydrochloride

Brand IV&Brand V

Chromatograms of Hydrosphere C18 and conventional ODS are compared by using a test mixture containing compounds that have different properties.
The chromatograms show that Hydrosphere C18 has a different separation profile of elution sequence or retention time or resolution etc. from conventional ODS.

Convetional ODS&Hydrosphere C18


1. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid(NAGA)
2. Butyl hydroxyanisol(BHA)
3. 4-Hydroxy-2,6-di-tert-butylphenol(HMBP)
4. n-Octyl gallate (OG)
5. Dibutyl hydroxytoluene (BHT)
6. n-Dodesyl gallate (DG)

Hydrosphere C18 allow us to shorten the analysis time by 20% compared with conventional ODS for the separation of highly hydrophobic compounds.

Hydrosphere C18 with 2 µm particle size is available, and it realized column efficiency with 60% less than column pressure as same as that of sub-2 µm used for UHPLC.
Ultra fast analysis can be performed by using Conventional LC systems, since Hydrosphere C18 can use in lower pressure than that in sub-2 µm. Columns with 3 mmI.D., which can be applied to conventional systems are available.

Van Deemter curves/Column pressure